Saturday, November 24, 2007

Weekend Plan

I'm heading to Morgantown tomorrow for the game, but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to sleep at all tonight. I am enduring a huge high right now after that LSU result, no drugs needed. In the morning I'm going to climb aboard my cloud of ecstasy, elation, and pure joy, and float my happy ass right over to West by God. Upon arrival, I shall partake heartily in the spoils of the soon-to-be-victorious (ie. Captain and Coke) so that I may remain warm and pure of voice while donning my exceptionally burly and Viking-rific coonskin cap. I shall also covet a reasonably sized flask of the dear Captain just in case things are tighter than I am comfortable with. Upon completion of the contest, I will triumphantly return to The Editor's domicile to watch Armageddon in Arrowhead play out with much glee and lightness of heart. I shall also scream often at the television for little to no apparent reason.

I tell you what people, I'm fucking pumped up. If I were a Viking, I'd be pillaging right now. Yes I would. I almost feel guilty being this jacked for a game against UConn.

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